Python's compiler - from grammar to dfa
Python's compiler series:
- Python 3.8.0 execution flow
- Python's compiler - from grammar to DFA
- Python's compiler - the grammar file is not LL(1) but the parser is
- Python's compiler - from tokens to CST
- Python's compiler - from CST to AST
- Python's compiler - from AST to code object
- Python's compiler - from code object to pyc file
- Python's compiler - from pyc file to code object
Python's grammar is LL(1). Instead of using a top-down recursive descent parser, Python uses a DFA-based (Pushdown Automata, more precisely) parser. In Python 3.7, the parser generator pgen (Parser/pgenmain.c, Parser/pgen.c) is responsible for parsing the grammar file Grammar/Grammar into DFA transition diagram, stored as files Include/graminit.h and Python/graminit.c. The DFA transition diagram is then used by the DFA-based parser to parse Python code.
To parse the Grammar/Grammar file, pgen uses the same DFA-based parser that parses Python code. The only difference is the DFA transition diagram used, which is defined in Parser/metagrammar.c. This file is generated using the meta-grammar of the Grammar/Grammar file. Although the meta-grammar file is not present in Python's reporsitory, by examining functions with initial compile_
in Parser/pgen.c, we can infer the meta-grammar as:
RHS: ALT ('|' ALT)*
ITEM: '[' RHS ']' | ATOM ['*' | '+']
In Python 3.7, besides the C version of pgen, there is a Python version Lib/lib2to3/pgen2 that works similarly.
In Python 3.8, the C version of pgen has been replaced by a Python version Parser/pgen, which is slightly modified from Python 3.7's Lib/lib2to3/pgen2.
In Python 3.8, assuming the working directory is Python's repository directory, the command to generate Include/graminit.h and Python/graminit.c is:
# Linux
export PYTHONPATH=Parser
# Windows
python -m pgen Grammar/Grammar Grammar/Tokens Include/graminit.h Python/graminit.c
pgen's calling sequence:
import collections
import tokenize # from stdlib
from . import grammar, token
class ParserGenerator(object):
def __init__(self, grammar_file, token_file, stream=None, verbose=False):
close_stream = None
if stream is None:
stream = open(grammar_file)
close_stream = stream.close
with open(token_file) as tok_file:
token_lines = tok_file.readlines()
# Map terminal symbol name to terminal symbol number.
self.tokens = dict(token.generate_tokens(token_lines))
# Map operator text to operator name.
self.opmap = dict(token.generate_opmap(token_lines))
# Manually add <> so it does not collide with !=
self.opmap['<>'] = "NOTEQUAL"
self.verbose = verbose
self.filename = grammar_file = stream
self.generator = tokenize.generate_tokens(stream.readline)
self.gettoken() # Initialize lookahead
# `self.dfas` maps non-terminal symbol name to DFAState objects list.
self.dfas, self.startsymbol = self.parse()
if close_stream is not None:
# Map non-terminal symbol name to first set of label indexes.
self.first = {} # map from symbol name to set of tokens
def make_grammar(self):
c = grammar.Grammar()
# Get non-terminal symbol names.
names = list(self.dfas.keys())
# Put the starting symbol in the front.
names.insert(0, self.startsymbol)
# For each non-terminal symbol name.
for name in names:
# Allocate symbol number.
# Non-terminal symbol numbers start with 256.
i = 256 + len(c.symbol2number)
# Store the mapping from non-terminal symbol name to symbol number.
c.symbol2number[name] = i
# Store the mapping from non-terminal symbol number to symbol name.
c.number2symbol[i] = name
# For each non-terminal symbol name.
for name in names:
# Allocate label.
self.make_label(c, name)
# Get the non-terminal's DFA.
# `dfa` is a DFAState objects list
dfa = self.dfas[name]
# The the non-terminal's DFA's states list.
# Each state is an arcs list.
states = []
# For the non-terminal's DFA's each state.
# `state` is a DFAState object
for state in dfa:
# `arcs` is a list of pairs.
# Each pair's first item is label index.
# Each pair's second item is the next state index.
arcs = []
# `label` is the grammar item.
# `next` is the next `DFAState` object.
for label, next in sorted(state.arcs.items()):
arcs.append((self.make_label(c, label), dfa.index(next)))
if state.isfinal:
arcs.append((0, dfa.index(state)))
# 5V13N
# Store the mapping from non-terminal symbol number minus 256 to
# its DFA node's states list.
# 3KER2
# Store the mapping from non-terminal symbol number to its DFA
# node's states list and first set.
c.dfas[c.symbol2number[name]] = (states, self.make_first(c, name))
# Store the starting symbol number.
c.start = c.symbol2number[self.startsymbol]
if self.verbose:
print("Grammar summary")
print("- {n_labels} labels".format(n_labels=len(c.labels)))
print("- {n_dfas} dfas".format(n_dfas=len(c.dfas)))
print("- {n_tokens} tokens".format(n_tokens=len(c.tokens)))
print("- {n_keywords} keywords".format(n_keywords=len(c.keywords)))
"- Start symbol: {start_symbol}".format(
return c
def make_first(self, c, name):
# Get non-terminal's first set in terms of grammar items.
rawfirst = self.first[name]
# The non-terminal's first set in terms of label indexes.
first = set()
# For each grammar item.
for label in sorted(rawfirst):
# Get the grammar item's label index.
ilabel = self.make_label(c, label)
##assert ilabel not in first # XXX failed on <> ... !=
return first
def make_label(self, c, label):
# XXX Maybe this should be a method on a subclass of converter?
# `label` is a grammar item.
# `make_label` adds a label tuple (symbol number, keyword text) to
# `c.labels` for each distinct grammar item. The index into `c.labels`
# represents the grammar item in the generated grammar structure's
# arcs.
# Get label index.
ilabel = len(c.labels)
# If the first character is alpha, then `label` is either a
# non-terminal symbol name or a named token (e.g. NAME, NUMBER,
if label[0].isalpha():
# Either a symbol name or a named token
# A non-terminal symbol name.
if label in c.symbol2number:
# A symbol name (a non-terminal)
# If label has been allocated.
if label in c.symbol2label:
# Return the label index.
return c.symbol2label[label]
# Add a tuple (symbol number, None).
c.labels.append((c.symbol2number[label], None))
# Store the mapping from symbol number to label index.
c.symbol2label[label] = ilabel
# Return the label index.
return ilabel
# A named token.
# A named token (NAME, NUMBER, STRING)
# Get terminal symbol number.
itoken = self.tokens.get(label, None)
assert isinstance(itoken, int), label
assert itoken in self.tokens.values(), label
# If label has been allocated.
if itoken in c.tokens:
return c.tokens[itoken]
# Add a label tuple (terminal symbol number, None).
c.labels.append((itoken, None))
# Store the mapping from terminal symbol number to label
# index.
c.tokens[itoken] = ilabel
return ilabel
# If the first character is not alpha, then `label` is either a keyword
# or an operator.
# Either a keyword or an operator
assert label[0] in ('"', "'"), label
value = eval(label)
# If it is a keyword.
if value[0].isalpha():
# A keyword
# If label has been allocated.
if value in c.keywords:
# Return the label index.
return c.keywords[value]
# Add a label tuple (terminal symbol NAME's number, keyword
# text).
c.labels.append((self.tokens["NAME"], value))
# 7W5Z2
# Store the mapping from keyword text to label index.
c.keywords[value] = ilabel
# Return the label index.
return ilabel
# If it is an operator.
# An operator (any non-numeric token)
# Get terminal symbol name.
tok_name = self.opmap[value] # Fails if unknown token
# Get terminal symbol number.
itoken = self.tokens[tok_name]
# If label has been allocated.
if itoken in c.tokens:
# Return the label index.
return c.tokens[itoken]
# Add a label tuple (terminal symbol number, None).
c.labels.append((itoken, None))
# Store the mapping from terminal symbol number to label
# index.
c.tokens[itoken] = ilabel
# Return the label index.
return ilabel
def addfirstsets(self):
names = list(self.dfas.keys())
for name in names:
if name not in self.first:
if self.verbose:
print("First set for {dfa_name}".format(dfa_name=name))
for item in self.first[name]:
print(" - {terminal}".format(terminal=item))
def calcfirst(self, name):
dfa = self.dfas[name]
self.first[name] = None # dummy to detect left recursion
# Get the DFA's first state.
# The first state's arcs' labels belong to the first set.
state = dfa[0]
totalset = set()
overlapcheck = {}
for label, next in state.arcs.items():
# If the label is non-terminal name.
if label in self.dfas:
if label in self.first:
fset = self.first[label]
if fset is None:
raise ValueError("recursion for rule %r" % name)
# Calculate the non-terminal's first set.
fset = self.first[label]
overlapcheck[label] = fset
# If the label is terminal.
overlapcheck[label] = {label}
inverse = {}
for label, itsfirst in overlapcheck.items():
for symbol in itsfirst:
if symbol in inverse:
raise ValueError("rule %s is ambiguous; %s is in the"
" first sets of %s as well as %s" %
(name, symbol, label, inverse[symbol]))
inverse[symbol] = label
self.first[name] = totalset
def parse(self):
# Grammar:
# RHS: ALT ('|' ALT)*
# ITEM: '[' RHS ']' | ATOM ['*' | '+']
# ATOM: NAME | STRING | '(' RHS ')'
# Map non-terminal symbol name to DFAState objects list.
dfas = collections.OrderedDict()
# The starting symbol name.
startsymbol = None
while self.type != tokenize.ENDMARKER:
while self.type == tokenize.NEWLINE:
name = self.expect(tokenize.NAME)
if self.verbose:
print("Processing rule {dfa_name}".format(dfa_name=name))
self.expect(tokenize.OP, ":")
a, z = self.parse_rhs()
if self.verbose:
self.dump_nfa(name, a, z)
dfa = self.make_dfa(a, z)
if self.verbose:
self.dump_dfa(name, dfa)
dfas[name] = dfa
if startsymbol is None:
startsymbol = name
return dfas, startsymbol
def make_dfa(self, start, finish):
# To turn an NFA into a DFA, we define the states of the DFA
# to correspond to *sets* of states of the NFA. Then do some
# state reduction. Let's represent sets as dicts with 1 for
# values.
assert isinstance(start, NFAState)
assert isinstance(finish, NFAState)
def closure(state):
base = set()
addclosure(state, base)
return base
def addclosure(state, base):
assert isinstance(state, NFAState)
if state in base:
for label, next in state.arcs:
if label is None:
addclosure(next, base)
# DFAState objects list.
# Each DFAState contains a set of NFAState objects and their epsilon closure NFAState objects.
states = [DFAState(closure(start), finish)]
for state in states: # NB states grows while we're iterating
# Map label to next state's NFAState objects set.
arcs = {}
# Code below does non-epsilon transition from the current DFAState's NFAState objects set to the next states.
# For current DFAState's each NFAState.
for nfastate in state.nfaset:
# For the NFAState's each arc.
for label, next in nfastate.arcs:
# If the arc is non-epsilon.
if label is not None:
# Add the next NFAState's closure NFAState objects to the set for the label.
addclosure(next, arcs.setdefault(label, set()))
# For each label and the next state's NFAState objects set.
for label, nfaset in sorted(arcs.items()):
# For each existing DFAState.
for st in states:
# If the next state's NFAState objects set equals that of an existing DFAState.
if st.nfaset == nfaset:
# Found the DFAState for the next state.
# If the next state's NFAState objects set not equals that of any existing DFAState.
# Create a new DFAState for the next state.
st = DFAState(nfaset, finish)
# Add a DFA arc from the current DFAState to the next DFAState.
state.addarc(st, label)
return states # List of DFAState instances; first one is start
def dump_nfa(self, name, start, finish):
print("Dump of NFA for", name)
todo = [start]
for i, state in enumerate(todo):
print(" State", i, state is finish and "(final)" or "")
for label, next in state.arcs:
if next in todo:
j = todo.index(next)
j = len(todo)
if label is None:
print(" -> %d" % j)
print(" %s -> %d" % (label, j))
def dump_dfa(self, name, dfa):
print("Dump of DFA for", name)
for i, state in enumerate(dfa):
print(" State", i, state.isfinal and "(final)" or "")
for label, next in sorted(state.arcs.items()):
print(" %s -> %d" % (label, dfa.index(next)))
def simplify_dfa(self, dfa):
# This is not theoretically optimal, but works well enough.
# Algorithm: repeatedly look for two states that have the same
# set of arcs (same labels pointing to the same nodes) and
# unify them, until things stop changing.
# dfa is a list of DFAState instances
changes = True
while changes:
changes = False
for i, state_i in enumerate(dfa):
for j in range(i+1, len(dfa)):
state_j = dfa[j]
if state_i == state_j:
#print " unify", i, j
del dfa[j]
for state in dfa:
state.unifystate(state_j, state_i)
changes = True
def parse_rhs(self):
# RHS: ALT ('|' ALT)*
a, z = self.parse_alt()
if self.value != "|":
return a, z
# Head.
aa = NFAState()
# Tail.
zz = NFAState()
# One branch.
while self.value == "|":
a, z = self.parse_alt()
# One branch.
return aa, zz
def parse_alt(self):
a, b = self.parse_item()
while (self.value in ("(", "[") or
self.type in (tokenize.NAME, tokenize.STRING)):
c, d = self.parse_item()
# Chain old tail to new item's head.
# Use new item's tail as new tail.
b = d
return a, b
def parse_item(self):
# ITEM: '[' RHS ']' | ATOM ['+' | '*']
if self.value == "[":
a, z = self.parse_rhs()
self.expect(tokenize.OP, "]")
# Head goes directly to tail because `[]` means optional.
return a, z
a, z = self.parse_atom()
value = self.value
if value not in ("+", "*"):
return a, z
# `z` can go to `a` to repeat.
if value == "+":
# For `+`, `a` needs to go to `z` once.
return a, z
# For `*`, `a` needs not to go to `z` once.
return a, a
def parse_atom(self):
# ATOM: '(' RHS ')' | NAME | STRING
if self.value == "(":
a, z = self.parse_rhs()
self.expect(tokenize.OP, ")")
return a, z
elif self.type in (tokenize.NAME, tokenize.STRING):
a = NFAState()
z = NFAState()
a.addarc(z, self.value)
return a, z
self.raise_error("expected (...) or NAME or STRING, got %s/%s",
self.type, self.value)
def expect(self, type, value=None):
if self.type != type or (value is not None and self.value != value):
self.raise_error("expected %s/%s, got %s/%s",
type, value, self.type, self.value)
value = self.value
return value
def gettoken(self):
tup = next(self.generator)
while tup[0] in (tokenize.COMMENT, tokenize.NL):
tup = next(self.generator)
self.type, self.value, self.begin, self.end, self.line = tup
# print(getattr(tokenize, 'tok_name')[self.type], repr(self.value))
def raise_error(self, msg, *args):
if args:
msg = msg % args
except Exception:
msg = " ".join([msg] + list(map(str, args)))
raise SyntaxError(msg, (self.filename, self.end[0],
self.end[1], self.line))
class NFAState(object):
def __init__(self):
self.arcs = [] # list of (label, NFAState) pairs
def addarc(self, next, label=None):
assert label is None or isinstance(label, str)
assert isinstance(next, NFAState)
self.arcs.append((label, next))
class DFAState(object):
def __init__(self, nfaset, final):
assert isinstance(nfaset, set)
assert isinstance(next(iter(nfaset)), NFAState)
assert isinstance(final, NFAState)
self.nfaset = nfaset
self.isfinal = final in nfaset
self.arcs = {} # map from label to DFAState
def addarc(self, next, label):
assert isinstance(label, str)
assert label not in self.arcs
assert isinstance(next, DFAState)
self.arcs[label] = next
def unifystate(self, old, new):
for label, next in self.arcs.items():
if next is old:
self.arcs[label] = new
def __eq__(self, other):
# Equality test -- ignore the nfaset instance variable
assert isinstance(other, DFAState)
if self.isfinal != other.isfinal:
return False
# Can't just return self.arcs == other.arcs, because that
# would invoke this method recursively, with cycles...
if len(self.arcs) != len(other.arcs):
return False
for label, next in self.arcs.items():
if next is not other.arcs.get(label):
return False
return True
__hash__ = None # For Py3 compatibility.
import collections
class Grammar:
"""Pgen parsing tables class.
The instance variables are as follows:
symbol2number -- a dict mapping symbol names to numbers. Symbol
numbers are always 256 or higher, to distinguish
them from token numbers, which are between 0 and
255 (inclusive).
number2symbol -- a dict mapping numbers to symbol names;
these two are each other's inverse.
states -- a list of DFAs, where each DFA is a list of
states, each state is a list of arcs, and each
arc is a (i, j) pair where i is a label and j is
a state number. The DFA number is the index into
this list. (This name is slightly confusing.)
Final states are represented by a special arc of
the form (0, j) where j is its own state number.
dfas -- a dict mapping symbol numbers to (DFA, first)
pairs, where DFA is an item from the states list
above, and first is a set of tokens that can
begin this grammar rule.
labels -- a list of (x, y) pairs where x is either a token
number or a symbol number, and y is either None
or a string; the strings are keywords. The label
number is the index in this list; label numbers
are used to mark state transitions (arcs) in the
start -- the number of the grammar's start symbol.
keywords -- a dict mapping keyword strings to arc labels.
tokens -- a dict mapping token numbers to arc labels.
def __init__(self):
# Map non-terminal symbol name to number.
# Numbers start with 256.
# Filled at 5IWPC.
self.symbol2number = collections.OrderedDict()
# Map non-terminal symbol number to symbol name.
# Filled at 5IWPC.
self.number2symbol = collections.OrderedDict()
# Map non-terminal symbol number minus 256 to its DFA node's states
# list.
# Each state is an arcs list.
# Each arc is a tuple (label_index, next_state_index),
# Filled at 5V13N.
self.states = []
# Map non-terminal symbol number to its DFA node's states list and
# first set.
# Filled at 3KER2.
self.dfas = collections.OrderedDict()
# A list of pairs.
# Each pair's first item is token index or non-terminal symbol index.
# Each pair's second item is keyword text for NAME token.
# The list's item indexes are label indexes, i.e. numeric references
# to tokens and symbols.
# Filled at 6SFOH.
self.labels = [(0, "EMPTY")]
# Map keyword text to label index.
# Filled at 7W5Z2.
self.keywords = collections.OrderedDict()
# Map terminal symbol number to label index.
# Token indexes are determined by the order in the `tokens` file.
# Label indexes are into `self.labels`.
# Filled at 6FHBO.
self.tokens = collections.OrderedDict()
# Map non-terminal symbol name to label index.
# Label indexes are into `self.labels`.
# Filled at 3UWQN.
self.symbol2label = collections.OrderedDict()
# The starting symbol number.
self.start = 256
def produce_graminit_h(self, writer):
writer("/* Generated by Parser/pgen */\n\n")
for number, symbol in self.number2symbol.items():
writer("#define {} {}\n".format(symbol, number))
def produce_graminit_c(self, writer):
writer("/* Generated by Parser/pgen */\n\n")
writer('#include "grammar.h"\n')
writer("grammar _PyParser_Grammar;\n")
writer("grammar _PyParser_Grammar = {\n")
writer(" {n_dfas},\n".format(n_dfas=len(self.dfas)))
writer(" dfas,\n")
writer(" {{{n_labels}, labels}},\n".format(n_labels=len(self.labels)))
writer(" {start_number}\n".format(start_number=self.start))
def print_labels(self, writer):
"static const label labels[{n_labels}] = {{\n".format(n_labels=len(self.labels))
for label, name in self.labels:
label_name = '"{}"'.format(name) if name is not None else 0
' {{{label}, {label_name}}},\n'.format(
label=label, label_name=label_name
def print_dfas(self, writer):
writer("static const dfa dfas[{}] = {{\n".format(len(self.dfas)))
for dfaindex, dfa_elem in enumerate(self.dfas.items()):
symbol, (dfa, first_sets) = dfa_elem
' {{{dfa_symbol}, "{symbol_name}", '.format(
dfa_symbol=symbol, symbol_name=self.number2symbol[symbol]
+ "{n_states}, states_{dfa_index},\n".format(
n_states=len(dfa), dfa_index=dfaindex
+ ' "'
bitset = bytearray((len(self.labels) >> 3) + 1)
for token in first_sets:
# `token >> 3` is the byte index containing the bit.
# `1 << (token & 7)` is the byte value with the bit set on.
bitset[token >> 3] |= 1 << (token & 7)
for byte in bitset:
writer("\\%03o" % (byte & 0xFF))
def print_states(self, write):
for dfaindex, dfa in enumerate(self.states):
self.print_arcs(write, dfaindex, dfa)
"static state states_{dfa_index}[{n_states}] = {{\n".format(
dfa_index=dfaindex, n_states=len(dfa)
for stateindex, state in enumerate(dfa):
narcs = len(state)
" {{{n_arcs}, arcs_{dfa_index}_{state_index}}},\n".format(
n_arcs=narcs, dfa_index=dfaindex, state_index=stateindex
def print_arcs(self, write, dfaindex, states):
for stateindex, state in enumerate(states):
narcs = len(state)
"static const arc arcs_{dfa_index}_{state_index}[{n_arcs}] = {{\n".format(
dfa_index=dfaindex, state_index=stateindex, n_arcs=narcs
for a, b in state:
" {{{from_label}, {to_state}}},\n".format(
from_label=a, to_state=b
The pgen.ParserGenerator.parse function parses the Grammar/Grammar file. It is top-down recursive descent, calling parse_rhs, parse_alt, parse_item, and parse_atom along the way. Each of the parse_
functions creates a starting and an ending NFAState
objects, and these NFAState
objects get chained together to form a NFA transition diagram. For each rule in the grammar, pgen.ParserGenerator.make_dfa is called with the rule's starting and ending NFAState
objects to convert the NFA transition diagram to a DFA transition diagram. Then pgen.ParserGenerator.simplify_dfa is called to combine equivalent DFAState
objects. Then pgen.ParserGenerator.addfirstsets is called to calculate first set of non-terminal symbols. Then pgen.ParserGenerator.make_grammar is called. It uses pgen.ParserGenerator.make_label to assign numeric indexes to terminal tokens and non-terminal symbols because the resulting data structure representing the DFA transition diagram uses numeric indexes. Finally pgen.grammar.Grammar.produce_graminit_h and pgen.grammar.Grammar.produce_graminit_c are called to generate files Include/graminit.h and Python/graminit.c.
Check out Guido's post about the origins of pgen.