
FreeDOS source code study - compile kernel and make bootable images

Compile FreeDOS kernel and freecom

Get FreeDOS kernel source code

Get FreeDOS kernel source code from here.

Put the downloaded file to D:\freedos_build\

Get FreeDOS freecom source code

Get FreeDOS freecom source code from here.

Put the downloaded file to D:\freedos_build\

Create echoto and echolib source code

The echoto.bat and echolib.bat programs that come with FreeDOS kernel and freecom source code somehow do not work correctly. We need to replace the two programs.

Create D:\freedos_build\echoto.c:

#include <stdio.h>

int main(int argc, char *argv[])
    FILE *file;
    char* fileName;
    int i;

    if (argc <= 1)
        return 0;

    fileName = argv[1];

    file = fopen(fileName, "a");

    if (file == NULL) {
        return 1;

    for (i = 2; i < argc; i++)
        fprintf(file, "%s ", argv[i]);


    return 0;

Create D:\freedos_build\echolib.c:

#include <stdio.h>

int main(int argc, char *argv[])
    FILE *file;
    char* fileName;
    int i;

    if (argc <= 1)
        return 0;

    fileName = argv[1];

    file = fopen(fileName, "a");

    if (file == NULL) {
        return 1;

    for (i = 2; i < argc; i++)
        fprintf(file, "%s ", argv[i]);

    fprintf(file, "%s", "&");


    return 0;

Get Turbo C Turbo C++ and NASM

The author of this kernel compiling process video has provided an archive that contains Turbo C 2.01, Turbo C++ 1.01 and NASM 0.98.

Put the downloaded file to D:\freedos_build\

Get WinRAR

Download WinRAR from here. The version matters because it will be installed in Windows 98.

Put the downloaded file to D:\freedos_build\winrar3.80.exe.

Run Windows 98 in a virtual machine

To build the FreeDOS kernel and freecom, a Windows 98 or Windows XP environment is needed.

Download VirtualBox from here.

Download Windows 98 SE VirtualBox hard disk image from here.

Set up a virtual machine in VirtualBox. Set the operating system to be Windows 98. Attach the downloaded hard disk image. Set the network adapter to be Host-only adapter.

Start the virtual machine.

Transfer files to the virtual machine

To transfer files to the Windows 98 virtual machine, we need to run an HTTP server on the host OS. HFS is a very easy to use HTTP server. Download HFS from here.

Decompress the archive to D:\freedos_build\hfs. Run D:\freedos_build\hfs\hfs.exe.

In menu Menu - IP address, select This is the IP of VirtualBox's host-only adapter on the host OS.

Drag D:\freedos_build\ to HFS, it should be available to download via URL (The port number may be different depending on whether port 80 was occupied when HFS starts up.).

In the virtual machine, open the URL to download the file to C:\freedos_build\

Drag D:\freedos_build\ to HFS. In the virtual machine, download it to C:\freedos_build\

Drag D:\freedos_build\echoto.c to HFS. In the virtual machine, download it to C:\freedos_build\echoto.c.

Drag D:\freedos_build\echolib.c to HFS. In the virtual machine, download it to C:\freedos_build\echolib.c.

Drag D:\freedos_build\ to HFS. In the virtual machine, download it to C:\freedos_build\

Drag D:\freedos_build\winrar3.80.exe to HFS. In the virtual machine, download it to C:\freedos_build\winrar3.80.exe.

Install WinRAR

In the virtual machine, run C:\freedos_build\winrar3.80.exe to install WinRAR.

Install NASM

In the virtual machine, decompress C:\freedos_build\ to C:\freedos_build\freedos_compilers_temp.

Move directory C:\freedos_build\freedos_compilers_temp\FreeDOS 1.2 to C:\freedos_build\freedos_compilers.

Remove C:\freedos_build\freedos_compilers_temp.

Make sure file C:\freedos_build\freedos_compilers\nasm098.exe is there.

Install Turbo C

In the command console, run:

cd C:\freedos_build\freedos_compilers\tc201inst


In the prompt Enter the SOURCE drive to use:, enter C.

In the prompt Turbo C Directory:, enter C:\TC201.

In other prompts simply use default settings.

Install Turbo C++

In the command console, run:

cd C:\freedos_build\freedos_compilers\tc101inst


In the prompt Enter the SOURCE drive to use:, enter C.

In the prompt Turbo C++ Directory:, enter C:\TCPP.

In other prompts simply use default settings.

Compile echoto and echolib

In the command console, run:

cd C:\freedos_build

SET PATH=%PATH%;C:\tc201

tcc -IC:\tc201\INCLUDE -LC:\tc201\LIB echoto.c

tcc -IC:\tc201\INCLUDE -LC:\tc201\LIB echolib.c

The result files are C:\freedos_build\echoto.exe and C:\freedos_build\echolib.exe.

Compile FreeDOS kernel

Decompress C:\freedos_build\ to C:\freedos_build\freedos_kernel

Rename C:\freedos_build\freedos_kernel\utils\echoto.bat to C:\freedos_build\freedos_kernel\utils\echoto.bat.bak.

Copy C:\freedos_build\echoto.exe to C:\freedos_build\freedos_kernel\utils\echoto.exe.

Edit C:\freedos_build\freedos_kernel\kernek\makefile, change

$(TARGET).lnk: turboc.cfg makefile ../mkfiles/generic.mak ../mkfiles/$(COMPILER).mak
        -$(RM) *.lnk
        $(ECHOTO) $(TARGET).lnk $(OBJS1)+
        $(ECHOTO) $(TARGET).lnk $(OBJS2)+
        $(ECHOTO) $(TARGET).lnk $(OBJS3)+
        $(ECHOTO) $(TARGET).lnk $(OBJS4)+
        $(ECHOTO) $(TARGET).lnk $(OBJS5)+
        $(ECHOTO) $(TARGET).lnk $(OBJS6)+
        $(ECHOTO) $(TARGET).lnk $(OBJS7)+
        $(ECHOTO) $(TARGET).lnk $(OBJS8)
        $(ECHOTO) $(TARGET).lnk kernel.exe
        $(ECHOTO) $(TARGET).lnk
        $(ECHOTO) $(TARGET).lnk $(LIBS)


$(TARGET).lnk: turboc.cfg makefile ../mkfiles/generic.mak ../mkfiles/$(COMPILER).mak
        -$(RM) *.lnk
        $(ECHOTO) $(TARGET).lnk $(OBJS1)+
        $(ECHOTO) $(TARGET).lnk $(OBJS2)+
        $(ECHOTO) $(TARGET).lnk $(OBJS3)+
        $(ECHOTO) $(TARGET).lnk $(OBJS4)+
        $(ECHOTO) $(TARGET).lnk $(OBJS5)+
        $(ECHOTO) $(TARGET).lnk $(OBJS6)+
        $(ECHOTO) $(TARGET).lnk $(OBJS7)+
        $(ECHOTO) $(TARGET).lnk $(OBJS8)+
        $(ECHOTO) $(TARGET).lnk , kernel.exe
        $(ECHOTO) $(TARGET).lnk ,
        $(ECHOTO) $(TARGET).lnk , $(LIBS)

Notice the added one + and three ,.

Copy C:\freedos_build\freedos_kernel\config.b to C:\freedos_build\freedos_kernel\config.bat.

Edit C:\freedos_build\freedos_kernel\config.bat:

set XNASM=nasm098.exe


set TC2_BASE=c:\tc201

set XLINK=tlink /m/c/s/l

set PATH=%PATH%;%TC2_BASE%;C:\freedos_build\freedos_compilers

set MAKE=%TC2_BASE%\make

set XCPU=86

set XFAT=32

Comment out other variables.

In the command console, run:

cd C:\freedos_build\freedos_kernel



The result files are:

  • C:\freedos_build\freedos_kernel\bin\country.sys
  • C:\freedos_build\freedos_kernel\bin\kernel.sys
  • C:\freedos_build\freedos_kernel\bin\
  • C:\freedos_build\freedos_kernel\bin\ktc8632.sys
  • C:\freedos_build\freedos_kernel\bin\
  • C:\freedos_build\freedos_kernel\boot\fat12com.bin

The C:\freedos_build\freedos_kernel\bin directory also contains:

  • C:\freedos_build\freedos_kernel\bin\autoexec.bat
  • C:\freedos_build\freedos_kernel\bin\config.sys
  • C:\freedos_build\freedos_kernel\bin\install.bat

Compile FreeDOS freecom

Decompress C:\freedos_build\ to C:\freedos_build\freedos_freecom

Rename C:\freedos_build\freedos_freecom\scripts\echoto.bat to C:\freedos_build\freedos_freecom\scripts\echoto.bat.bak.

Rename C:\freedos_build\freedos_freecom\scripts\echolib.bat to C:\freedos_build\freedos_freecom\scripts\echolib.bat.bak.

Copy C:\freedos_build\echoto.exe to C:\freedos_build\freedos_freecom\scripts\echoto.exe.

Copy C:\freedos_build\echolib.exe to C:\freedos_build\freedos_freecom\scripts\echolib.exe.

Edit C:\freedos_build\freedos_freecom\cmd\cmd.mak, change

echolib.bat : ../scripts/echolib.bat
    $(CP) ..$(DIRSEP)scripts$(DIRSEP)echolib.bat .

cmds.rsp : echolib.bat cmd.mak


echolib.exe : ../scripts/echolib.exe
    $(CP) ..$(DIRSEP)scripts$(DIRSEP)echolib.exe .

cmds.rsp : echolib.exe cmd.mak

Notice four .bat have been changed to .exe.

Edit C:\freedos_build\freedos_freecom\lib\lib.mak, change

echolib.bat : ../scripts/echolib.bat
    $(CP) ..$(DIRSEP)scripts$(DIRSEP)echolib.bat .

freecom.rsp : echolib.bat $(OBJ16) $(OBJ17) $(OBJ18) $(OBJ19) $(OBJ20) \


echolib.exe : ../scripts/echolib.exe
    $(CP) ..$(DIRSEP)scripts$(DIRSEP)echolib.exe .

freecom.rsp : echolib.exe $(OBJ16) $(OBJ17) $(OBJ18) $(OBJ19) $(OBJ20) \

Notice four .bat have been changed to .exe.

Edit C:\freedos_build\freedos_freecom\shell\command.mak, change

echoto.bat: ../scripts/echoto.bat
    $(CP) ..$(DIRSEP)scripts$(DIRSEP)echoto.bat .

command.rsp : echoto.bat
    $(RMFILES) command.rsp
    $(ECHOTO0) command.rsp $(OBJ1)+
    $(ECHOTO0) command.rsp $(OBJ2)+
    $(ECHOTO0) command.rsp $(OBJ3)+
    $(ECHOTO0) command.rsp $(OBJ4)
    $(ECHOTO0) command.rsp command.exe
    $(ECHOTO0) command.rsp
    $(ECHOTO0) command.rsp $(LIBS)


echoto.exe: ../scripts/echoto.exe
    $(CP) ..$(DIRSEP)scripts$(DIRSEP)echoto.exe .

command.rsp : echoto.exe
    $(RMFILES) command.rsp
    $(ECHOTO0) command.rsp $(OBJ1)+
    $(ECHOTO0) command.rsp $(OBJ2)+
    $(ECHOTO0) command.rsp $(OBJ3)+
    $(ECHOTO0) command.rsp $(OBJ4)+
    $(ECHOTO0) command.rsp , command.exe
    $(ECHOTO0) command.rsp ,
    $(ECHOTO0) command.rsp , $(LIBS)

Notice four .bat have been changed to .exe, and the added one + and three ,.

Edit C:\freedos_build\freedos_freecom\suppl\src\suppl.mak, change

echolib.bat: ../../scripts/echolib.bat
    $(CP) ..$(DIRSEP)..$(DIRSEP)scripts$(DIRSEP)echolib.bat .

# Prepare Linker Response File
objlist.txt: echolib.bat suppl.mak


echolib.exe: ../../scripts/echolib.exe
    $(CP) ..$(DIRSEP)..$(DIRSEP)scripts$(DIRSEP)echolib.exe .

# Prepare Linker Response File
objlist.txt: echolib.exe suppl.mak

Notice four .bat have been changed to .exe.

Copy C:\freedos_build\freedos_freecom\config.std to C:\freedos_build\freedos_freecom\config.mak.

Copy C:\freedos_build\freedos_freecom\config.b to C:\freedos_build\freedos_freecom\config.bat.

Edit C:\freedos_build\freedos_freecom\config.bat:

set XNASM=nasm098.exe


set TP1_BASE=c:\tcpp

set PATH=%PATH%;%TP1_BASE%\bin;C:\freedos_build\freedos_compilers

In the command console, run:

cd C:\freedos_build\freedos_freecom


build.bat -r xms-swap english

The result file is C:\freedos_build\freedos_freecom\

Make FreeDOS bootable images

Transfer files to the host OS

In the virtual machine, run:

mkdir C:\freedos_build\freedos_fd

COPY C:\freedos_build\freedos_kernel\bin\* C:\freedos_build\freedos_fd

COPY C:\freedos_build\freedos_kernel\boot\fat12com.bin C:\freedos_build\freedos_fd

COPY C:\freedos_build\freedos_freecom\ C:\freedos_build\freedos_fd

Use WinRAR to create an archive file C:\freedos_build\

To transfer C:\freedos_build\ to the host OS, we run an HTTP file upload service on the host OS. The service is written in Python. Create file D:\freedos_build\

# coding: utf-8

from __future__ import absolute_import

import os

from flask import abort
from flask import Flask
from flask import request
from werkzeug import secure_filename

UPLOAD_FOLDER = 'D:/freedos_build'

FLASK_APP = Flask(__name__)

@FLASK_APP.route('/', methods=['GET', 'POST'])
def index_handler():
    if request.method == 'GET':
        html = r"""
<!doctype html>
        <h1>Upload file</h1>
        <form action="" method=post enctype=multipart/form-data>
          <p><input type=file name=file><input type=submit value=Upload></p>

        return html

    if request.method == 'POST':
        file = request.files['file']

        if not file or not file.filename:

        file_name = secure_filename(file.filename)

        file_path = os.path.join(UPLOAD_FOLDER, file_name)

        return 'SUCCESS'


if __name__ == '__main__':'', port=8000)

Install flask:

python -m pip install flask

Run the service:

python D:\freedos_build\

Open in the virtual machine.

Upload C:\freedos_build\ to the service.

The file will be put to D:\freedos_build\ in the host OS.

Make FreeDOS bootable images on Windows

Install bfi

bfi is used to create a floppy image that contains FreeDOS' files. The floppy image will then be used to create a CD image in floppy emulation mode.

Download bfi from here.

Decompress the archive put bfi.exe to D:\freedos_build\bfi\bfi.exe

Install mkisofs

mkisofs is used to create a CD image.

Download CDR-Tools from here.

Run CDR-Tools.exe and it will install mkisofs.exe to C:\Program Files (x86)\cdrtools\mkisofs.exe.

Make bootable FD image

Decompress D:\freedos_build\ to D:\freedos_build\freedos_fd.


D:\freedos_build\bfi\bfi.exe -b=D:\freedos_build\freedos_fd\fat12com.bin -f=D:\freedos_build\freedos.ima D:\freedos_build\freedos_fd

The FD image is D:\freedos_build\freedos_cd\freedos.ima.

Make bootable CD image


mkdir D:\freedos_build\freedos_cd

COPY D:\freedos_build\freedos.ima D:\freedos_build\freedos_cd\freedos.ima

"C:\Program Files (x86)\cdrtools\mkisofs.exe" -J -N -l -v -relaxed-filenames -V FreeDOS -b freedos.ima -o D:\freedos_build\freedos.iso D:\freedos_build\freedos_cd

The CD image is D:\freedos_build\freedos.iso.

Make FreeDOS bootable images on Linux

Make bootable FD image

Create empty floppy image:

mkfs.vfat -C ~/freedos_build/freedos.ima 1440

Install FreeDOS' boot sector to the floppy image:

cd ~/freedos_build


dd conv=notrunc if=~/freedos_build/freedos_fd/fat12com.bin of=~/freedos_build/freedos.ima bs=512 count=1

Copy FreeDOS' files to the floppy image:

mkdir -v ~/freedos_build/freedos_fd_mount

mount -o loop -t vfat ~/freedos_build/freedos.ima ~/freedos_build/freedos_fd_mount

cp -v ~/freedos_build/freedos_fd/* ~/freedos_build/freedos_fd_mount

umount ~/freedos_build/freedos_fd_mount

The FD image is ~/freedos_build/freedos.ima.

Make bootable CD image


mkdir -v ~/freedos_build/freedos_cd

cp -v ~/freedos_build/freedos.ima freedos_cd/freedos.ima

mkisofs -J -N -l -v -relaxed-filenames -V FreeDOS -b freedos.ima -o ~/freedos_build/freedos.iso freedos_cd

The CD image is ~/freedos_build/freedos.iso.


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